As of 23 February 2006, is banned by Google Inc. is a respected news site covering military related space activities for the international aerospace community. is part of the domain, along with TerraDaily, MarsDaily, SpaceMart, SinoDaily, and SpaceTravel which is owned by Space. TV Corp. Contributing news feeds come from AFP, UPI, and SPX.
The reasons for the ban by Google Inc. are unclear. No communication by Google prior to the ban was given to Space, TV Corp. Google has not responded to requests for comments. Space. TV Corp is talking with legal advisors from the United States and Australia where the Web sites are based. Space. TV Corp views the ban as a violation of the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement.
It will be interesting to see the response from Google, and to be fair I’d like to hear why Google imposed the ban. However, I've always felt that trying to control legal content on the internet is a dangerous precedent to set. So I'm more inclined to think that there are other reasons for the ban than content. It's just a little surprising that a respected news site was banned by Google.